In 2016, Regula Syz did show her works for the second time in «Kunst im West», a gallery focused on Swiss artists. In this gallery with a lofty warehouse feel in the trendy district Zürich West, Regula explains how the exhibited artworks have come to existence. Enjoy!
(film in Swiss german, version with English subtitles soon to come)
The Montreux Exhibition of Regula at Galerie Prestige of Willy Grange in October 2017 has been captured by Antonio del Sordo. With his permission, we embed the moving picture impression and the speech by artist-friend Philippe Thélin.
During the exhibition FRAUEN.POWER in the museum ART DOCK in Zürich, three works of Regula Syz were displayed most prominently: right on the terrace, on the entrance of the building. Visitors of this memorable exhibition did already see from far away Regula’s three works «Paradies» (paradise), «Hölle» (hell) and «Arche V» (ark V). Interesting enough, these works share the same dimensions of 3 x 4 meters, but have been created in different periods of the artists life.
By clicking on the image, a new window will pop up and you will be able to dive in right to the panoramic view of the works. You can zoom in and out and navigate left and right. Enjoy!
On the same exhibition as with the works above on the entrance, further works of Regula Syz have been on display on the terrace. Main theme of the exhibition FRAUEN.POWER in the museum ART DOCK has been the artwork of women in Zürich throughout the last 100 years, with more than 150 artists. Regula’s three works on display were (left to right) «Schwarzes Licht», 2011, Acryl on canvas, 170 x 200 cm; «Orakel», 2013, Acryl on canvas, 170 x 170 cm; «Dunkle Geister III», 2010, Acryl on canvas, 154 x 157 cm.
By clicking on the image, a new window will pop up and you will be able to zoom in and out and navigate left and right. Enjoy!